Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Strength in us

Yesterday was a day like any other but with a twist. Yesterday my sisters friend from the fourth grade to the eighth grade came into town for Christmas. My sisters friends name is Alise. She was a drug attic and alcoholic who didn't believe in god. She started doing drugs and drinking at the age of 10 and dropped out of school in the eighth grade. She had 20 year old boy friends and ran away in the fifth grade and lived with one of her boy friends. After she dropped out of school she went to rehab then went to a school for mest up juveniles then she got transford to another school like that were she has been doing a lot better. She has been making straight A's, skipped a grade, braking tons of recorders in athletics, and got excepted to a really good college. She has also been going to church and now believes in god. We were so happy to see how good she has been doing and proud of all her hard work. I guess that just goes to show you that no matter how down you are you can always come back up with your head held high.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

were has my mother gone

This cold winter day was like one of many. I woke up to the sound of my tv. As normale i sat up and turned on the lamp next to my bed wondering what i would do that day. when i woke finaly woke up in my head i got up out of my bed to turn off the tv and whent down the hall to the bathroom. as i used the morning loo as they call it in england i was listening to see if i could hear my mom like i always do in the morning. as i listen all i heard was the rush of a cold breeze blasting agenst the wall. i can usualy hear my sister snooring in the room next to the bathroom but she spent the night over at a friends house. when i finished up in the bathroom i raced down the hall into the living room to see were mom was but she wasn't there. i whent into her room but there was no sighn of her. i went out side in the freezing cold with nothing but some boxeres and a shirt on. i looked out in the parking lot expecting not to see her car wich i did see car so i thought for a second and it came to me that my mom got a rental car, for a trip, that she had to take back today. so i went in side and called her cell. when she said hello i said were are you. i am almost home she said.